Bank of the Islands Giving Program hits $80,000 Milestone
Bank of the Islands has reached an important milestone in its “We Love Our Islands” corporate philanthropy program. The “We Love Our Islands” program has funded donations to 38 non-profits, houses of worship, and service organizations working to enrich our island community. With the most recent gifts, the “We Love Our Islands” program has hit a milestone of $80,000 in total donations to these groups.
Created by Bank of the Islands CEO Geoffrey Roepstorff, “We Love Our Islands” is a proprietary giving program that supplements the community support the bank provides through event sponsorships and other charitable donations.
Designed to include the participation of bank customers and island neighbors, the program involves placing a “We Love Our Islands” decal on your vehicle. Every week, a bank officer randomly notes a license plate number off a passing vehicle with a program decal. The tag number is posted in the bank lobbies and on the www.BankoftheIslands.com website.
The identified driver has one week to claim their tag number before it rolls over to another potential winner. If claimed, the winner designates which island non-profit or charity will receive the bank’s contribution. Gifts begin at $100 and increase by that amount each week until a winner claims their tag number.
“Without question, the ‘We Love Our Islands’ program is our favorite demonstration of corporate citizenship here at the bank,” said Willy Ocasio, Bank of the Islands’ Vice President and Sanibel-Captiva Office Manager. “It is such a great way for us to show how much we appreciate our non-profits and being your island bank.”
The 38 beneficiary organizations to date are ABWA, Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum, Bat Yam, BIG Arts, Charitable Foundation of the Islands, Children’s Education Center, Clam Bayou Preservation, Community Housing Resources, CROW, F.I.S.H. of Sanibel-Captiva, For Kids’ Sake, Friends Who Care, Golisano Children’s Hospital, HTAP, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Noah’s Ark, Old Schoolhouse Theater, P.A.W.S., Periwinkle Partnership, PURRE, Rotary, Saint Isabel’s Church, Sanibel-Captiva Cares, SCCF, Sanibel Community Association, Sanibel Community Church, Sanibel Congregational Church, Sanibel D.A.R.E., Sanibel Historical Museum and Village, Sanibel Public Library, Sanibel School, Sanibel Sea School, Sanibel Scholarship Fund, Southwest Florida Community Foundation, St. Michael’s and All Angels Episcopal Church, Trails in Motion, and Zonta.
All islanders are invited to pick up a free vehicle decal at either of the bank’s Sanibel or Captiva offices, and to enjoy a freshly baked cookie and hot cup of coffee during their visit.