Bank of the Islands Geoff and Robbie Roepstorff, SCCF CEO Ryan Orgera, and Event Co-Chairs Linda and Tom Uhler preview some of this year’s wines.
Bank of the Islands Returns as Wines in the Wild Presenting Sponsor
SCCF (the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation) is pleased to announce that Bank of the Islands is returning as the Presenting Sponsor for Wines in the Wild on Friday, November 13.
“We truly appreciate Bank of the Islands’ support of this event for more than a decade,” said founders Tom and Linda Uhler. “This very special evening would not be nearly as lovely without their support.”
The 2020 event was designed to be enjoyed “homeINstead” to comply with social distancing guidelines during the pandemic. Party boxes will include two bottles of wine from Bailey’s General Store , remarkable dishes from Cielo, Sweet Melissa’s Café, Spoondrift, and Catering by Lelsie Adams.
The Wines in the Wild party boxes are now sold out (sorry!) but you can still sign up for the very special “50/50+10” drawing. This year, we’re including wine – and a magnum of Dom Perignon – in the drawing.
Speaking of champagne, SCCF’s CEO also gives a very big “thank you!” to Bank of the Islands. “We truly appreciate Bank of the Islands’ support of the 2020 event, perhaps more than ever before,” said SCCF CEO Ryan Orgera. “With the challenges presented this year by the pandemic, the bank’s generous support has been especially helpful in funding our programs.”
The 50/50+10 drawing involves a traditional 50/50 cash drawing, but we’ve added “+ 10” – the chance to win one of ten lots of five bottles of wine, with each lot valued at no less than $160. And as an added bonus, for each $100 purchase, you will get one chance for a drawing for a magnum of 2008 Dom Perignon, a $550 value! Tickets are $25 or five for $100. Please note that wine cannot be shipped to an out of state winner.
To purchase your “50/50+10” tickets, go to www.winesinthewildsccf.com. The drawing will be held on November 12 so that your “+10” will be available for drive by, touchless pickup at the Bailey Homestead, 1300 Periwinkle Way, on November 13.
SCCF is dedicated to the conservation of coastal habitats and aquatic resources on Sanibel and Captiva and in the surrounding watershed through environmental education, land acquisition, landscaping for wildlife, marine research, natural resource policy, sea turtle conservation and wildlife habitat management. Community support through membership dues and tax-deductible contributions, in addition to grants and staff-generated revenue, makes this work possible. To learn more visit www.sccf.org.
Bank of the Islands, a name synonymous with island community banking since 1974, is located at 1699 Periwinkle Way, at the corner of Casa Ybel Road, on Sanibel. The Captiva office is at 14812 Captiva Drive, next to the Captiva Post Office. As the oldest locally owned and managed community bank on the islands, Bank of the Islands is proud to be the winner of 44 “Best of the Islands” awards since 1999, including being chosen the Best Island Bank for 21 years straight.