Bank of the Islands VP David Lowden with San-Cap Chamber CEO John Lai.
Bank of the Islands named Title Sponsor for 3 Chamber Events
Bank of the Islands has been named the Title Sponsor for three signature events being hosted by the San-Cap Chamber of Commerce – The State of Our Islands Luncheon Meeting, the Islands Night Baseball Game, and the Chamber’s Annual Membership Meeting.
“We’re so pleased to be sponsoring the presentation of these three events,” said Bank of the Islands President Robbie Roepstorff. “Our Bank is committed to being a strong partner to the chamber as well as the island businesses on Sanibel and Captiva. These events, while diverse in nature, all play a vital role in keeping our community strong, informed, and united. After all we have been through together over these last years, it’s our honor to help make these events possible as their Title Sponsor.”
The State of the Islands event will be presented on January 22 at the Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort. Islands Night will take place on a date to be determined at Hammond Stadium in Fort Myers. The date and location for the Chamber’s Annual Meeting will also be announced shortly.
As the oldest locally owned and managed community bank in Lee County, Bank of the Islands is proud to be the winner of more than 50 “Best of the Islands” awards including “Best Island Bank” numerous times. The Bank has retained a 5-Star Superior Rating from BauerFinancial for more than a decade. As ranked by Bank Performance Report, the Bank continues to be ranked in the top 5 among all banks chartered in the State of Florida. Bank of the Islands is located at 1699 Periwinkle Way, at the corner of Casa Ybel Road, on Sanibel. The Captiva office is at 14812 Captiva Drive, next to the Captiva Post Office. To learn more, visit www.bankoftheislands.com
For more than 60 years, the Sanibel and Captiva Chamber of Commerce has fostered the growth and prosperity of the islands’ business community, while nurturing the quality of life for all those who live, visit, and work on Sanibel and Captiva. For additional information regarding the Chamber’s history and current programs, visit www.sanibel-captiva.org.