Bank of the Islands’ Richard Shera and Kelsey Hamilton with Kiwanians Dick Bourdow and Emily Ankerson and bankers Cloie Heinan and David Lowden.
Bank of the Islands Sponsors Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner
Bank of the Islands is proud to support the Kiwanis scholarship program as a Gold Sponsor of its Spaghetti Dinner. The event will be held on Saturday, February 22 at the Sanibel Community House.
“We are so happy to help make the time-honored Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner a great success again this year,” said Bank of the Islands Vice President and Kiwanian David Lowden. “Our bank is delighted to support this community event as a Gold Sponsor, an auction contributor, and by selling $20 admission tickets in our lobby. It’s truly a great way to show how much we appreciate all that Kiwanis does for our islands’ youth.”
The annual San Cap Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner is in its fifth decade of raising funds to benefit the young people of Sanibel and Captiva. Proceeds from the event make possible the Kiwanis Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to local students attending post-secondary colleges, universities, and technical schools. In recent years, this program awarded over $70,000 in scholarships. In addition, the event proceeds are used to provide grants to other local non-profits whose programs benefit youth education, recreation, and well-being. To learn more, visit www.sanibelkiwanis.org.
As the oldest locally owned and managed community bank in Lee County, Bank of the Islands is proud to be the winner of more than 50 “Best of the Islands” awards including “Best Island Bank” numerous times. The Bank has retained a 5-Star Superior Rating from BauerFinancial for more than a decade. As ranked by Bank Performance Report, the Bank continues to be ranked in the top 10 among all banks chartered in the State of Florida. Bank of the Islands is located at 1699 Periwinkle Way, at the corner of Casa Ybel Road, on Sanibel. The Captiva office is at 14812 Captiva Drive, next to the Captiva Post Office. To learn more, visit www.bankoftheislands.com.