Bank of the Islands’ David Lowden and Cloie Heinen with Frances Tutt and David Stern of the Sanibel Island Fishing Club
Bank of the Islands Supports Sanibel Island Fishing Club Event
Bank of the Islands is donating a Silverado wine gift basket for the Fish Fry fundraiser benefiting the Sanibel Island Fishing Club. The event will take place on Sunday, February 23 from 5-8pm at the Sanibel Community House.
“The Fishing Club has been doing a lot to help save the Sanibel Fishing Pier, a beloved island landmark. It’s a great group to support,” said Bank of the Islands President Robbie Roepstorff. “Besides, with Billy Kirkland serving as the Fish Fry’s auctioneer, it’s sure to be a great time!”
To learn more about sponsoring or attending the event, or contributing to the Save The Pier initiative, contact David Lewis at sifcsecretary@gmail.com.
As the oldest locally owned and managed community bank in Lee County, Bank of the Islands is proud to be the winner of more than 50 “Best of the Islands” awards including “Best Island Bank” numerous times. The Bank has retained a 5-Star Superior Rating from BauerFinancial for more than a decade. As ranked by Bank Performance Report, the Bank continues to be ranked in the top 10 among all banks chartered in the State of Florida. Bank of the Islands is located at 1699 Periwinkle Way, at the corner of Casa Ybel Road, on Sanibel. The Captiva office is at 14812 Captiva Drive, next to the Captiva Post Office. To learn more, visit www.bankoftheislands.com.
The Sanibel Island Fishing Club has been an active social club for more than 30 years. The Club meets monthly through the season and sponsors several group fishing outings. Their support of other local non-profit organizations has included the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, the Sanibel Sea School, the Ding Darling Wildlife Society, and Coastal Keepers. To learn more, visit www.sanibelislandfishingclub.com.