CCA Executive Director Emily Ankerson (left) with Bank of the Islands’ V.P. Richard Shera, Concierge Kelsey Hamilton, and V.P. David Lowden
Bank of the Islands Sponsors CCA Art Show Series
Bank of the Islands is proud to support the Captiva Civic Association (CCA) as the Presenting Sponsor for its Art Show Series. These ongoing seasonal shows take place at CCA’s headquarters facility at 11550 Chapin Lane on Captiva.
“Captiva just wouldn’t be Captiva without the CCA,” said Bank of the Islands Vice President David Lowden. “Please consider stopping by the juried “Into the Sea” art show that just opened and will be on exhibit through April 19.”
To learn more about CCA’s art show series and its commitment to preserving the quality of life, ambiance, and environmental integrity of Captiva, visit www.ccacaptiva.org.
Bank of the Islands is located at 1699 Periwinkle Way, at the corner of Casa Ybel Road, on Sanibel. The Captiva office is at 14812 Captiva Drive, next to the Captiva Post Office. As the oldest locally owned and managed community bank on Sanibel and Captiva, Bank of the Islands is proud to be the winner of more than 50 “Best of the Islands” awards over two decades.