Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands CEO and President Geoff and Robbie Roepstorff joined other sponsors and guests in celebrating the January 24 unveiling of the new Big Arts campus on Sanibel. The Roepstorffs are pictured next to the bank’s recognition as a Guardian on the Sponsor Wall. The gala event, titled “A Dream Come […]
Our bank’s CEO and President Geoff and Robbie Roepstorff were recognized by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis during his 2020 State of the State Address. While addressing his commitment to removing invasive pythons from the Everglades through the recently announced Python Bowl and other initiatives, he saluted the Roepstorffs for being avid volunteer python hunters in […]
From WINK News by Derrick Shaw – Click here for full video Edison National Bank founders Robbie and Geoffrey Roepstorff spend their days at work in paralleling offices. This duo goes out into the Everglades to hunt pythons. Geoffrey said, “There’s no way if you’d ask us five years ago, we would be touching a […]
Local United Way Campaign Chair Tony Lapi gathered at Bank of the Islands with some of his committee to kick off this year’s fundraising campaign. He is joined in leading this effort by Steering Committee members Allison and Chauncey Goss, Bill Fellows, Calli Johnson, Gaye and Jim Pigott, Robbie and Geoff Roepstorff, Lucy and Paul […]
Despite the rainy day, Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands officers and staff brought their own brand of sunshine to the Lee County Heart Walk this year. Our banker team, including their family members, accepted the American Heart Association (AHA) challenge to help fight heart disease and stroke. On December 14, our team completed a […]